

We exist to make Jesus known



  • Christ Centered: Pembroke First Baptist believes and preaches that Salvation comes through the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one must believe to be Saved (Born Again).
  • Bible Believing: We believe the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, which all must hear and accept by faith.
  • Family Focused: Pembroke First Baptist’s mission is to minister to the whole family.

 Men’s Ministry


Our church is open and friendly with many social activities. To keep our church running smoothly. The men of our church are involved with many different ministries to include the Gideon’s .




The mission of our church is to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages. The ladies of our church are active in visiting nursing home, WMU, Lottie Moon and Samaritans purse.




If you wish to become a part of our chuch or a volunteer to help those in need, our community is awaiting you with our open hearts.




Born with Purpose

Good morning; I pray that you found your way to the house of God on this past Lord’s Day. I pray that you worshipped Him in Spirit and in Truth. I sat down at my desk, and God reminded me what He has spoken to Jeremiah, living and preaching in the current conditions of our world. I thank God for the reminders in the Word of God. God told Jeremiah, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). God told Jeremiah, “BEFORE I (God) formed thee,” this morning, I want you to know that God is the one who forms the babies inside the mother’s womb; God is the one who gives life. My friend, God has given you life this morning for a purpose; God created you in your mother’s womb for a purpose. Listen, God “sanctified and ordained” Jeremiah, a prophet before he was born into this world. Thank God Jeremiah’s mother gave birth to the prophet of God. When I held my four boys in my arms, I didn’t know what God had in store for them, but I can promise you, based on God’s Word, He has a purpose for them. Look at your children this morning, and tell them God has a purpose for their life. “Then the Lord put fourth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, behold, I have put my words in thy mouth” (v.9). I felt the Spirit of God as I was typing this verse into the devotion. God could be placing His hand on your child’s mouth right now, and no greater Power will anyone have than the Word of God coming out of their mouth. Precious Lord, I pray this morning that we as parents will remind our children that God has a plan for them, and as we speak, You are touching their lives for your purpose. Be Blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Salvation Continues

Good morning; we have a great example of the church in the book of Acts chapter 2 to follow as the New Testament begins with a great explosion. Peter preached at Pentecost, and “they gladly received his word were baptized, and the same day there were added, unto them about three thousand souls” (v.41). What a day of worship those folks had, shouting, praying, baptizing, and singing in the Spirit of God. I can see the apostles leading people to Jesus with my spiritual eye, praying with them as they crossed over from death unto eternal life. But, I want you to know Salvation does not stop there, “The continued, steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread, and in prayers” (v.42). As you become a Christian, my friend, as you place your trust in Jesus, you must join with your brothers and sisters in Christ! We come together as the body of Christ to gain strength from one another, to learn of the Word of God, and to fellowship in the Spirit that joins us together. And as we follow the example we have and join together in the unity of the Holy Spirit of God, “and fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs (miracles) were done by the apostles” (v.43). As the body of Christ comes together in the Spirit of Unity, we allow God to work among His people; we will see great miracles done! I still believe in the Power of God; I still believe in the miracles of God among His people. I encourage you on this Lord’s Day to join with your local body of believers and allow God to bless your soul and perform miracles in your life. Father, I pray for our readers this morning that we follow the example we have in the early church in scripture that we will see souls saved and miracles performed on this Lord’s Day! Be Blessed in Jesus Name!

Walking With The Lord

Good morning; the scripture says, “And Solomon loved the Lord walking in the statutes of David, his father only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places” (1 Kings 3:3). I feel the spirit of God when I read this passage of scripture in 1 Kings concerning this young man (Solomon) who God is calling to inherit his father’s throne as the king of Israel. How he LOVED God; Solomon learned to love God from his father. How much do we love God this morning, and are we teaching our children to Love God? Solomon was “walking in the statues of David” in verse 6 of that same chapter, it says David walked “in truth and in righteousness.” Thank God for godly parents who are teaching their children to walk with God. My friend, how is our walk before God this morning? When our walk is right with God, my friend will have a desire to please God. “Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad; for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?” (v.9). Solomon’s request was that God would bless him with the ability to serve God’s people. When we think about our prayer request to God, are we asking God to bless us that we may be a blessing? Friend, when our desire is to do an excellent job for the Lord when our passion is to be blessed that we may bless the individuals God has called us to serve in Kingdom Work. Then you know your walk is right with God. Reflect upon your walk with God, and if we are not serving people, if we are not using what God has blessed us with for His glory, we need to repent. Father, I pray that our love for you will continue to grow deeper and that we will have a desire to serve you with all of our hearts. I pray that our walk is pleasing in your sight. Be blessed in Jesus’ Name!

Lay Aside Every Weight

Good morning; thank you for joining us around God’s Holy Word! “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before” (Hebrews 12:1). After finishing the eleventh chapter of Hebrew; the “faith chapter” the writer reflects upon those who kept their faith in God (cloud of witnesses) and pressed forward in their pilgrimage looking for the city of God! As we press forward looking for that same city, my friend, as we continue on our pilgrimage in the world, remember we are just passing through. I don’t plan to stay here. Jesus said He “went away to prepare us a place.” I encourage to to “lay aside every weight” that is holding us back from running our race. Weight such as anger, jealousy, bitterness, grudges, hurts, pains of our childhood, etc… Many times our hurt human emotions become weights that hold us back in this race. If we hold on to this life’s hurts and pains, it becomes the “sin” that will easily beset us. My brother and sister, you have a race that is set before you, and I want to encourage you to Look “unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (v.2). Jesus has already experienced any hurt or pain that we are facing, He endured the cross, and He looked past the shame. He did not allow the human emotions to overtake His purpose in this life. You have a great purpose, and I pray for you this morning that you lay aside anything that will hinder your race with Jesus. Father, I pray this morning that we keep our eyes on the “author and finisher of our faith” that we will not be so easily distracted from the purpose you have created us for. Be Blessed in Jesus’ Name!


Pembroke First Baptist Church



Worship and Service Opportunities

Sunday Morning Worship
  • 10:30 AM Service
  • In Person (various campus locations)
  • Drive up or join Online
Mid-Week Bible Study
  • Wednesday 7 PM
  • In Person or join us Online

Are you going through a difficult time?

We invite you join with us at one of our weekly opportunities.
Sunday 10:30 AM
Wednesday 7 PM