Strengthen Your Walls
“He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken, and without walls” (Proverbs 25:28).
We often make ourselves vulnerable to the attacks of satan and the slander of our enemies because we have little or no control over our own spirit. “A man who gets drunk, loses his temper on the slightest provocation, or cannot control his lusts is like a city with broken walls.” Satan, along with our enemies, learn of our weakness and launch an attack when they see that we have no “walls” (self-control). We must stay close to the cross, feed our mind the Word of God, and “not give place to the devil”. My friend, the same is true for our children; one hour on Sunday morning cannot compete for their mind with a whole week of social media. Satan is looking for ways to weaken our walls, ways into our spirit, and control our thinking. I encourage us this morning to yield to the Spirit of God. Heavenly Father, I pray for our readers this morning that we would be renewed in our spirit, take on the “mind of Christ,” and yield to the Holy Spirit, that the walls of our spirit will stand strong against the attacks of satan and our enemies. Be Blessed in Jesus’ Name!