Present Joy
“Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost. Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:9-10
There are few times in our nation’s history that its people had reason to celebrate as a Nation. You may have seen television broadcasts where people flood city streets to celebrate a hometown championship. Those times are memorialized with great energy, excitement, and anticipated expectation for what was long desired. The people celebrate at home because the team celebrates victory in the moment. Our scripture passage illustrates the passion of our heavenly Father has for every child created in His image. The illustration is of a woman who diligently searches for a lost piece of silver or a coin. So often women are known for their nature and ability to bear lost with deep passion yet rejoice greatly when peace is found. Our heavenly Father bears a deep passion for every child lost in sin, which are precious to Him. The soul of man is as precious silver. Not forged metals like iron or lead, but a precious metal with “intrinsic worth and value” (MHC) mined by royalty. The coin is created and accounted for to bear the image and superscription of its sovereign creator, as does the soul of every man created in the image of God. The lost coin represents the soul of man, made in the image of God, but now lies unused, defaced, tarnished, and amid the dust of sin. Every soul is known to Sovereign God and is accounted for. Every soul is precious because every soul bears the image of God. But its value is of no use as it lies in the dust and darkness of sin. My friend, the Father’s will is that all would be saved and none should perish. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. That is the Father’s business. That is the victory that He celebrates. That is the “joy in the presence of angels of God.” Those in the presence of God know the “joy…over one sinner that repenteth.” Does your heart rejoice “with joy inexpressible” (1 Pet 1:8) over the salvation of one sinner’s soul. Draw near to Jesus and hear Him say “rejoice with Me…over one sinner that repenteth.” Father, thank You that Your search continues and You seek those to bear the image of Your glory and goodness that some lost soul might be saved. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.