Precious Thoughts
How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! Ps 139:17
We all want to be known to others. There is a sense of excitement for someone to say, “I know you” or “I remember you.” Relational connections are important. It is amazing to think that God is thinking of us. His has thoughts about us that we don’t even consider or comprehend. The scripture passage reminds us that knowing God and knowing His thoughts of us are a great treasure. “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God!” His thoughts are precious because His counsels are true and can be trusted. His thoughts are precious because He cares for His children to guide them, protect them, and yes, even chasten those whom He loves (Heb 12:6). Everything good in life comes from God (Jas 1:17). His love and thoughts are forever towards us and for our good. He demonstrated His tremendous love for us and “gave His only begotten Son” (Jn 3:16), the most precious gift He could ever give. My friend, God thinks about you. He’s interested in you and your life. He wants you to reach out to Him and to get to know Him as He knows you. But you may ask, “How can I know what God thinks of me?” Simply reach out to Him in prayer and say, “I want to know You.” Open His word and listen to Him speak and tell you of His love for you. Simply ask, “Speak to my heart, Oh Lord, I want to know You.” He will comfort your fears. He will visit your loneliness. He will strengthen you with faith and courage to stand against the giants in your life (1 Sam 17:37). Dear friend, you are precious in the sight of God, and He wants to pour Himself into your life to make you new through His Son Jesus Christ. Whether you have strayed, struggled, stumbled, soured in self-pity, or are fallen into despair, God’s thoughts are continually towards you, to prosper you, and do good for you (Deut 30:5). Friend, you are precious to God, His greatest treasure, and He loves you. He delights to hear you say, “how precious also are Thy thoughts unto me.” Father thank You for Your love, Your kindness, and Your goodness. I praise You for Your everlasting love and the promise that You will never leave me nor forsake me. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.