Possess His Promises
There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass. Josh 21:45
Sometimes in life we focus on the here and now, rather than the hope and happiness that is ours. We dwell on the things that we do not have and things desired, more so than what we possess. My friend, how are you possessing the promises of God? God is faithful and His favor is always toward His people. God’s faithfulness and favor toward the children of Israel can be observed throughout the book of Joshua. In the scripture passage we observe God’s faithfulness that “there failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken…all came to pass.” God was faithful to all He had promised to the children of Israel and His good favor is demonstrated by His giving the children of Israel the land He promised them, that He brought them to cease from their years of labors, and He caused them to triumph over their enemies (Josh 21:43-44). God gave them a home, rest, and victory. In His faithfulness and favor to Israel, we see a picture of God’s goodness and kindness toward His people. As a child of God, we too will have a home, a sweet rest, and an ultimate victory. Though in this life we stumble, struggle, and suffer the pains of sin, we have Jesus’ promise of a new home in heaven, peace and rest in Him for all eternity, and victory over sin, death, hell, and the grave. We will fully experience all these things in heaven and fully possess all the promises of God for all eternity through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Jesus promised that we will be with Him (Jn 14:3). My friend, look beyond the circumstances in this life, possess the promises of God, and live in the rest and victory that is yours through Jesus Christ. The fading of this world is not our home. Dear friend, there is a greater hope that is out of this world. It is in heaven. It is in Jesus Christ. Father thank You for Your love and Your faithfulness to Your word. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.