I would like to share some final thoughts concerning Daniel and his faithfulness to God for this week. God rewards our faithfulness to Him, but most importantly, our faithfulness brings glory to God, our faithfulness as the Children of God points those who don’t know God toward His grace and mercy. “I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before The God of Daniel: for He is the living God, and steadfast forever, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall be even unto the end” (Daniel 6:26). Daniel continued to pray to God during a time he knew the decree said he could not. I want to encourage you to continue to do what is right. It may seem that everyone is standing against you; it may seem you are the only one standing on God’s Word, but you remain faithful, stay true to where God has you in life, and God in His due time will reward you. Daniel prayed as all other times before, and God received the glory from it, “He delivereth and rescueth, and He worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who hath delivered Daniel from the power of the lions” (v.27). My friend, whatever trial you are facing, if it is the lion’s den or the fiery furnace, God has chosen you to face that trial. You may think it is too difficult, the time is too hard, or you may feel like giving up, but God has seen something in you to trust you with the trial that would bring glory to Him. Whatever we are facing, whatever life brings our way as a Christian, means God trusted you and seen the strength in you to face that battle in life, and the end result will be to your benefit and for His glory. God knows the end, in the beginning, thank God He knows the outcome and what I can handle. Gracious Lord and merciful God, I pray for my brother and sister this morning that feels like they are in the fiery furnace or facing a lion’s den. I pray they would feel your presence and have the confidence in you to press forward. Father, thank you for trusting us with the events of life that will bring glory to your name, and Lord, help us handle the situation with honor, knowing you are right here with us. I pray this in the name that is above every name, the precious name of Jesus Amen. Be Blessed in Jesus’ Name!