Family Focused
Pembroke First Baptist’s mission is to minister to the whole family.
To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter 1:4-5)
What brings you joy? What will cause you to rejoice? In our scripture passage this morning, Peter gives us a strong encouragement and reminder of the hope that we have inherited a place in Heaven. He writes this encouragement to believers who are suffering persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ. He encourages them to “greatly rejoice” (v.6). My friend, you can rejoice this morning and be filled with “joy unspeakable” because you are a child of God and He has a place prepared for you in Heaven. True joy stems from knowing God through an eternal relationship by faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus told His disciples of the approaching sorrows that they would face. In John 16:22 He told them, “And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.” Wow, what amazing joy we have by faith in Jesus Christ. Did you hear what He said? “No man taketh from you.” The child of God has a joy that no man can take away. However, the joy within us is suppressed and overshadowed by everyday stresses and strains. The enemy wants no more than overwhelm you with circumstances that suppress and rob our joy in Christ. Do not give the enemy his delight of seeing you hide the joy of Christ that is within you. “You are the light of the world” Mt 5:14, and the joy of Christ is the source of the light within you. Do not hide it under a basket, but let your light so shine among me that they glorify your Father in Heaven. Father, thank You for the joy in Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank You for the inheritance that awaits us, “reserved in Heaven” and “ready to be revealed in the last time.” Today, when circumstances change and challenge me within, help to lift my eyes to Heaven, for it is there that I will find “the power of God through faith unto salvation.” In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:23)
What do you desire most of God? How far are you willing to go with God? At first thought I might say “all the way that I might know Him and fully please Him.” Some may say “wherever He leads I will go.” Too often our intents are honorable until we fully consider the cost. The way to oneness with God is sanctification. Sanctification is separation unto God. Sanctification means intense concentration on God’s point of view for God’s purpose. Not in some things, but in all things. Oswald Chambers noted that “sanctification means being made one with Jesus so that the disposition (Spirit) that ruled Him will rule us.” Some things we easily forsake. Things of least value, things that cause us pain and give us least pleasure. Our greatest struggles are with things of greater value, things of pleasure and the things that seem to add to our personal security. Our greatest stressors and difficulties come when we ponder and face separation from the things deemed pleasurable in this life. Jesus prayed that we might be one with Him as he is One with the Father. He forsook all. He became a servant and surrendered Himself in obedience to the Father “to the point of death, even death of the cross” (Php 2:8). So often we cling to our worldly possessions, worldly pleasures, personal accomplishments, and insecurities, rather than to humbly surrender and separate unto “the very God of peace.” What things of God are you missing out on? God desires to “sanctify you wholly” that you might be “preserved blameless” and one with Him through Jesus Christ our Lord. What amazing love! Love that is far greater than I could ever think or imagine. Father, I thank You for the work of sanctification. Minister to our hearts a greater desire to be like Christ and conformed to His likeness. Today, I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ, that we be renewed and refreshed in the God of peace, and that our eyes may be draw to the things above and not the things in this world. In the blessed name of Jesus. Amen.
And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have My joy fulfilled in themselves. (John 17:13)
We find in our scripture passage this morning the core character trait in the life of a Christian. The joy of Christ! In the final moments before His arrest and trial that would lead to His death on the cross, Jesus prayed to the Father that “My joy fulfilled in themselves.” Of all the things that Jesus wanted for His disciples, it was His joy. Jesus spoke often of His joy to the His disciples. They witnessed in His joy that came not from the world, not from the acceptance and appreciation of others, not from the approval of the religious leadership or those with authority, nor from His miraculous personal accomplishments. His joy was completely founded in the relationship He had with the Father. He had joy in knowing that word of God was being fulfilled. Jesus prayed that “they may be one as We are” and that His joy be complete and filled in them. My friends, joy is the birthright for every born-again child of God. The joy of Christ settles deep within our hearts as we grow in a fulfilled relationship with the Father and realize we are children of God and joint heirs with Christ (Rom8:16-17). His joy is filled in our hearts as come to know that we were once dead in sin but now are alive in Christ (Rom 6:4). Jesus prayed that His disciples and, also “those who will believe in Me through their word” (v.20) to be filled with His joy. It is a joy that is unshakeable and not move by any circumstance. Father, I pray for all who trust Jesus as Savior that they be filled and characterized by the joy of Christ. Thank You for Your abiding Presence, for filling us with the Your joy and lead us to “rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Pet 1:8). In Jesus Name. Amen.