

We exist to make Jesus known



  • Christ Centered: Pembroke First Baptist believes and preaches that Salvation comes through the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one must believe to be Saved (Born Again).
  • Bible Believing: We believe the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, which all must hear and accept by faith.
  • Family Focused: Pembroke First Baptist’s mission is to minister to the whole family.

 Men’s Ministry


Our church is open and friendly with many social activities. To keep our church running smoothly. The men of our church are involved with many different ministries to include the Gideon’s .




The mission of our church is to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages. The ladies of our church are active in visiting nursing home, WMU, Lottie Moon and Samaritans purse.




If you wish to become a part of our chuch or a volunteer to help those in need, our community is awaiting you with our open hearts.




Portion For Life

My flesh and my heart faileth: But God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. Ps 73:26

I prayer that you had a wonderful day of worship as you gathered the saints and your friends to celebrate Resurrection Day at your local church. I pray that you continue to overflow as God has filled your heart with His portion. When I think of a portion, I think of gaining or receiving a part of something, the not the complete or the whole of something. Think of a family meal that is prepared for those present at the table to partake of it and receive a portion. Everyone may partake in the meal until they are filled, but one person does not consume the entire meal. All may receive a portion sufficient to satisfy and fill. So, we think of portion as a part and not the whole. Yet the scripture passage gives us a clearer meaning to the word “portion.”  “God is…my portion.” The word portion does indeed mean a measure. A perfect measure, not lacking in any measure. A measure that is uniquely ours, to fill, satisfy, and overflow. It is the exact amount of something that we need. It is “an individual’s part or share of something, such as a gift or inheritance.” A gift or an inheritance is something that we could not earn, but an honor we receive by being adopted into the family of God and become His child. Jesus is our portion. Our share of good. Our family inheritance with all the privileges and titles of a son or daughter. My friend, we have a good heritage because God is good. The Portion for the child of God is through Jesus Christ, who is a perfect measure given to us, to save us, keep us, uphold us, to enable us to endure the storms of life, and strengthen us to fight life’s battles victoriously by His faithfulness and favor. He is the Good Shepherd who lay down His life and gave Himself for His sheep (Jn 10:11) By His death, burial, and resurrection, His portion and measure for us is a perfect gift. His portion is what we need so desperately to have life everlasting and life eternal. Dear friend, the word of God reminds us “The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and my cup…therefore my heart is glad, my glory rejoiceth, my flesh also shall rest in hope” (Ps 16:5;9). The child of God may rejoice and celebrate the resurrected Christ, for He is our “portion forever.” Father thank You for Your Love and the fullness of Your eternal presence. “I will be glad and rejoice in You” (Ps 31:7). In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.

Meet With Jesus

He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. (Matt 28:6)

The Easter message is “Christ Is Risen!” Jesus is alive and invites all to “Come.” The message of Easter is that Jesus is risen, alive, and invites us to come and meet with Him. On Easter Sunday many people will fill places of worship around the world, but who will make time to be alone with Jesus? After Jesus was risen from the tomb, He could have met His disciples at the temple, or on the crowded streets of Jerusalem, but He desired to be alone with His dearest friends. He sent a special message to them that they should meet Him in Galilee, the place where their faith began. This is the same message that Jesus had given the disciples during the Last Supper, saying, “But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee” (Mt 26:32). On that first Easter, Jesus desired to be with His friends, to encourage them, to strengthen, and remind them of the faith that they had entrusted in Him. The women who visited the tomb on that Resurrection morning were disappointed that they did not find Jesus where they expected, but first heard the message that exceeded expectations unimaginable “He is not here, He is risen.” Hearing the message “He is risen,” they ran with “fear and great joy…to bring His disciples word” (Mt 28:8). Their hearts rejoiced that Jesus was alive, but fear also came upon them for what they may face when they would see Him because they had forsaken, fled, and hid themselves. Peter had gone so far as to deny Him after boasting that he would never leave the Lord even if the others did so (Mt 26:35). He was calling them back to the place where He first met them and called them. He would renew their faith and restore fellowship with them. My friend, Jesus is calling His children back to that simpler time when we first came to know Him, when we were in awe of Him, when spending time with Him was our greatest desire. Though our devotion to the Lord has waned and faltered, and though we may have grieved the Holy Spirit our words or our actions, and our hearts feel a million miles away from God, Jesus says unto us “Come.” Come aside with Him and be restored with greater faith, greater joy, greater hope, and renewed in fellowship Him. Dear friend, let us join together on Easter Sunday and joyfully cry out, “Jesus is risen!” Yet let us also hear Him say “Come unto Me” (Mt 11:28) that we may go to Him and meet with Him in our private place, spend time with Him, worship Him, and follow Him. Father thank You for Your love and the invitation to be with You. I rejoice in the Resurrected Christ, and the fellowship of His salvation. “He is risen!” In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.

Compassion At the Cross

Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with Me in paradise. Luke 23:43

One of the most impactful ways we can see and share God’s heart is through compassion. Those who show compassion step outside of themselves to help others in their time of weakness. Compassion is light in darkness, hope for helplessness, and strength for the weak and weary. In the scripture passage we can see the light of God’s love shining through to the weak and weary, and helpless at the darkest moment in their life. Jesus reached out to the guilty thief and gave him the strength out of His own dying body and promised hope in his darkest hour. The words of Jesus would not deliver the thief from the fate of his death on the cross, but the thief’s mustard seed of faith in Jesus (Mt 17:20) would deliver him from the eternal torment and damnation that he so deserved. Beaten and bruised, breathing His last breaths, Jesus breathed life and hope into the dying thief with His words, “To day shalt thou be with Me in paradise.” Though the heavens became darken, and God’s wrath was being poured out on the Lamb of God, the love and compassion of our heavenly Father to save sinners never ceased. God’s love never fails (1 Cor 13:8). The heart of God is compassionate for sinner and to save them from sin to eternal life. Jesus was faithful to every ounce of strength and life that the Father gave Him to do the Father’s will. His compassion never fails. “He is able to save to the uttermost those that come to God through Him, for He ever lives to make intercession for us” (Heb 7:25). My friend, if He had time on Golgotha to consider the thief in His dying moments on the Cross, how much more will He think of you, and is He concerned for you, and is ready to receive you to Himself and change you forever? Salvation is of grace and not of work (Eph 2:8-9). The thief was never baptized, he never took the bread and drank the cup, and yet his heart called out to Jesus and the Savior heard him and saved him. Dear friend, thankfully the way of salvation never changes. He who had compassion to save the dying thief, continues to “seek and save that which was lost” (Lk 19:10). His love and compassion never fail (1 Cor 13:8). Do you know His love, and have you received His compassion? Father thank You for Your love and Your unfailing compassion. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.

Cry At the Cross

Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34

Forgiveness sounds like a marvelous idea until you have to do it. How can you forgive someone who has broken a promise? How can you forgive someone who you do not trust? Forgiveness is more than something we do, but it demonstrates our heart. The scripture passage demonstrates to us the heart of Jesus. He had a heart of forgiveness and of compassion for forgiveness. After a long night of being arrested, abandoned by His closest friends, falsely accused, unjustly beaten, and condemned to death, Jesus was publicly humiliated and displayed for all to see. Yet, His first cry from the cross was “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” At no point did His love fail but “He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even death of the cross” (Phil 2:8). Though Christ was innocent, He prayed asking the Father to forgive those who were responsible for His death. He asked for God’s mercy not to judge them, but that they might be given opportunity for salvation. Christ taught forgiveness to His disciples when He said, “Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you” (Lk 6:27-28). Though He was displayed for public shame and crucified unto death, He demonstrated His heart and the heart of God, true forgiveness. Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He came to bring forgiveness, even forgiveness those who crucified Him, if they only would believe. My friend, “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8). He died for the sin of the world. Though only a few were present at the Cross, it was all our sins that nailed Jesus to the Cross. He gave His life for all, that all might be forgiven and saved from the penalty of sin, which is death. Dear friend, Jesus forgave those who crucified Him, and He can forgive you as well. Do you believe Him and accept His forgiveness for your sin? Father thank You for Your love and the forgiveness of sin. Help me to forgive others as You have forgiven me. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.


Pembroke First Baptist Church



Worship and Service Opportunities

Sunday Morning Worship
  • 10:30 AM Service
  • In Person (various campus locations)
  • Drive up or join Online
Mid-Week Bible Study
  • Wednesday 7 PM
  • In Person or join us Online

Are you going through a difficult time?

We invite you join with us at one of our weekly opportunities.
Sunday 10:30 AM
Wednesday 7 PM