

We exist to make Jesus known



  • Christ Centered: Pembroke First Baptist believes and preaches that Salvation comes through the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one must believe to be Saved (Born Again).
  • Bible Believing: We believe the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, which all must hear and accept by faith.
  • Family Focused: Pembroke First Baptist’s mission is to minister to the whole family.

 Men’s Ministry


Our church is open and friendly with many social activities. To keep our church running smoothly. The men of our church are involved with many different ministries to include the Gideon’s .




The mission of our church is to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages. The ladies of our church are active in visiting nursing home, WMU, Lottie Moon and Samaritans purse.




If you wish to become a part of our chuch or a volunteer to help those in need, our community is awaiting you with our open hearts.




Present Joy

“Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost. Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:9-10

There are few times in our nation’s history that its people had reason to celebrate as a Nation. You may have seen television broadcasts where people flood city streets to celebrate a hometown championship.  Those times are memorialized with great energy, excitement, and anticipated expectation for what was long desired. The people celebrate at home because the team celebrates victory in the moment. Our scripture passage illustrates the passion of our heavenly Father has for every child created in His image. The illustration is of a woman who diligently searches for a lost piece of silver or a coin. So often women are known for their nature and ability to bear lost with deep passion yet rejoice greatly when peace is found. Our heavenly Father bears a deep passion for every child lost in sin, which are precious to Him. The soul of man is as precious silver. Not forged metals like iron or lead, but a precious metal with “intrinsic worth and value” (MHC) mined by royalty. The coin is created and accounted for to bear the image and superscription of its sovereign creator, as does the soul of every man created in the image of God. The lost coin represents the soul of man, made in the image of God, but now lies unused, defaced, tarnished, and amid the dust of sin. Every soul is known to Sovereign God and is accounted for. Every soul is precious because every soul bears the image of God. But its value is of no use as it lies in the dust and darkness of sin. My friend, the Father’s will is that all would be saved and none should perish. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. That is the Father’s business. That is the victory that He celebrates. That is the “joy in the presence of angels of God.” Those in the presence of God know the “joy…over one sinner that repenteth.” Does your heart rejoice “with joy inexpressible” (1 Pet 1:8) over the salvation of one sinner’s soul. Draw near to Jesus and hear Him say “rejoice with Me…over one sinner that repenteth.” Father, thank You that Your search continues and You seek those to bear the image of Your glory and goodness that some lost soul might be saved. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.


Rejoice With Me

“Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” Luke 15:6-7

There is great relief and joy to the heart when a loved one is relieved from harm and danger. The parent who becomes overwhelmed with joy and rejoice with tears when their once endangered child is freed out of hopelessness, returned from helplessness, or delivered from a dark pit of destruction. It is in moments like these that true love and desire are known. The scripture passage illustrates to us the heart of God for His wayward and wandering children who are lost in sin. He is in a relentless search to seek out and find those who wander in sin, those like sheep who nibble on the world’s delights and stray further and further from the Shepherd’s voice. Sheep are led and guided by the shepherd’s voice. They know his voice and follow him into green pastures. Yet there are times when a sheep will follow their hunger rather than their hearing. Today, so many, like wandering sheep, follow their hunger and develop an appetite for immediate gratification and pleasure, as they feast on the delicacies of the world and its lure. The word of God calls out to all who are lost in sin, who are lured by lust, who lean on their own understanding, and seek their own way. God is relentless to “sweep…and search” every piece of furniture in the household of life to recovery that one who lost and lured in sin (Lk 15:8-10). God’s heart anxiously anticipates the recovery of that “which was lost.” He rejoices over every one “for I have found” and all those with Him “rejoice” and share in “that likewise joy…in heaven” because they are daily in His presence. My friend, do you long to see a loved one saved? Do you look for the day they finally hear the Father’s call and come to Him? Be faithful in prayer. Be faithful to carry the word of God with you wherever you go and “speak the truth in love” (Eph 4:15).  “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2 Pet 1:2-4). In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.


His Daily Delight

 “So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.” Luke 17:10

I pray that you had a blessed worship at your local church on the Lord’s Day. The times we live in are demanding times. Every turn in life seems to be filled with endless activities and not enough time to get things done. People are doing a lot of things for a lot of people but lots of people are more alone and emptier than ever before. In the scripture passage today, Jesus reminds us that the greatest profit to human life is time with Him. He warns to not be so taken up with doing His work that you fail to take spend time with the Master. Jesus wants our love and desires that we know His love in His presence. So often the focus is on “that which was our duty to do” rather than devoting our time, energy and thought in service with Him. “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord” (Col 3:23). Jesus submitted Himself to do the Father’s will, yet He did nothing without the Father. His daily delight and His daily diet was with the Father. He made this clear on one occasion when Jesus visited His dear friends, He recognized that Martha was “careful and troubled about many things,” as she made preparation for Jesus’ visit. But in all her work she lacked peace, satisfaction, and fulfillment from her service (Lk 10:40-41). Martha was mindful to details of her duty and not so devoted with her Master in mind. My friend, our Lord desires the devotion of His children to serve with Him and by Him. Nothing profitable for the Kingdom can be done without Him, yet all eternal things are done by Him and through Him. Those things devoted in love are everlasting and “shall never be taken away” (Lk 10:42). Father, as You delighted in Your Son, may You be delighted by our devotion and love for You through Your Son, as we delight to serve You. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.


Holy Compassion

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27)

Some of the greatest joys in life are found in moments of comfort and compassion in the darkest times. Those simple acts of kindness stir something within the soul and can enliven the spirit of every man. It is in those moments of carefulness that we are most like our heavenly Father. Those moments reveal the innocence created within all of us. The scripture passage reminds us that we are most like our God and Father when we give of ourselves to relate to others. God said, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Gen 2:18). We are created for relationships. Our relationships are with God first, and then with others. In times of lost and emptiness, we need our Father’s care, comfort and compassion. We need friendship from others and the fellowship of His Holy Spirit. The ministry and work of the Church is to share the love of Christ that is “pure…and undefiled.” Unlike world religions whose motives are mixed with false rituals and impure motives, the Church is always to be mindful that everything it does is “before God and the Father.” The Church is under God’s watchful eye and by His presence the Church endeavors to extend God’s truth and His mercy to those in need. The Father’s eye is attentive to His children, especially those often overlooked in the world, “the fatherless and widows in their affliction.” The sum of “pure religion” for the Church is to be charitable and relieve the afflicted. The Spirit warns the child of God not to become like the world, but “to keep himself unspotted from the world.” We must resist the temptation to compare ourselves with the works other religious organizations, yet always be mindful to “seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Mt 6:33) and God will provide and “supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:19). God’s heart is for the lost, afflicted, and abandoned. May we join our Father and be about His business to seek out the lost, comfort the afflicted and recover the abandoned from the world to the glory of our Savior, Jesus Christ. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.



Pembroke First Baptist Church



Worship and Service Opportunities

Sunday Morning Worship
  • 10:30 AM Service
  • In Person (various campus locations)
  • Drive up or join Online
Mid-Week Bible Study
  • Wednesday 7 PM
  • In Person or join us Online

Are you going through a difficult time?

We invite you join with us at one of our weekly opportunities.
Sunday 10:30 AM
Wednesday 7 PM