New Every Morning

This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. (Lam 3:21-23)

This morning, you can your start day off fresh and new. This scripture instructs us to begin each day with a deliberate mental “recall” to the Lord. It is deliberate because we are easily tempted to dwell on the failures, or even the successes, of yesterday. So often we allow our thoughts to drift into our plans, worries, and concerns for the day ahead. But we find here in God’s word the ability to break this vicious cycle and resist from the enemy’s trap. Transform your day with a new mindset (Rom 12:1) and do a mental reset with “I will recall to my mind.” Recall to your mind the goodness of God, His faithfulness, His love for you and the many other things that demonstrate “His compassions.” “The Lord’s mercies …are new every morning” to those who will resist temptation and begin with the thought “I will recall to my mind” the things of God. God promises that you will find new hope and start the day fresh and new. Father, I thank you for the promises of Your word. “Great is Your faithfulness” and Your “mercy endures for ever (Ps 136). In Jesus name. Amen.