Intimacy With God
Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. Col 1:15
I pray you had great worship on this past Lord’s Day in your local church! Our passage this morning reminds us that God made it possible for us to have intimacy with Him through His Son Jesus. We are created in the image of God to experience Him through full and meaningful relationships. So much of life is experienced through our 5 basic senses. Our sense taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight. These senses inform us, protect us, and provide meaning to our life and at times, even make us feel fulfilled.
Over the past year we have heard of loved ones who described the temporarily lost of their sense of smell and their sense of taste while infected by the virus. They described the painful suffering, lack of comfort and how the loss of senses made life a dark place during this time. We have so many loved ones, family, friends and neighbors who are infected by the virus of sin, suffering in darkness, and medicated by the passions of the world. They battle against the shadows of darkness, manage life to suppress fears and failures while misled by passions and seeking even greater pleasure in life. It is only when our eyes are opened to the “invisible God” through faith in Jesus Christ that we can know, sense, and experience the fullness of life and be comforted by the eternal hope that God provided through His Son. Jesus “is the image of the invisible God.” Faith in Him is the “substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen” Heb 11:1.
We can know God, be comforted by His Presence, and experience Him fully through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus came that we might have life and through Him we can life in its fullness. God is revealed through Jesus. Jesus is the Image of the Invisible God. Father, bless the readers and doers of Your word in the name of Jesus. Amen.