In The Morning
My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up. (Ps 5:3)
There is no greater way to begin each day than with prayer unto the Lord. David was a man after God’s own heart. David was not perfect, but he had great responsibility. He took his responsibility seriously and directed his attention to pursue God with a heart that longed to know Him personally and passionately. He began each day with prayer that would “look up” to the Lord. Our scripture passage today reminds us to begin each day with our first thoughts and the first words spoken for the day, to direct them to the Lord. David said to God “my voice shalt Thou hear in the morning.” He began each day with prayer to God because his heart was devoted to God. He spoke out of his mouth that which was in his heart. Praying and calling out to God were natural for David because of the meditation of his heart. He remembered God “in the night” (Ps 63:6) when he lay upon his bed. He meditated upon all God’s work (Ps 77:12; 119:27). He meditated on the complete counsel of God’s word (Ps 119:15, 148) and “the glorious splendor of Your majesty” (Ps 145:5). David set his heart on the things of God, to know the will of God, to follow the way of God such that God testified “I have found David…a man after Mine own heart” (Acts 13:22). My friend, what are your thoughts as you begin this day? Meditate on the things of God and “look up” to “our Father who art in heaven” and gives freely all that we need and ask for each day. Begin this day in prayer. In all your ways acknowledge Him. Adore Him, for He is worthy to be praised. My friend, what an awesome privilege we have as a child of God that we can turn aside with Him and pray “in the morning” and begin the day with His communion, His care and confidence that “my help cometh from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Ps 121:2). Father, thank You that I can come to You, depend on You, cast my cares upon You and find rest in You. I begin this day with all my prayer and praise unto You. In the Blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.