Men’s Ministry
Pembroke First men minister and serve the PFB church body with labor and leadership. The men’s ministry prepares a quarterly Sunday morning cooked breakfast for the Church family. They maintain and service the PFB campus properties and grounds for a safe and inviting environment to minister God word to all ages.

Saturday Brotherhood Breakfast
Saturday, May 28th at 8:30 AM
Join the conversation about
“Kingdom Man”
Living Life God’s Way
Living Life God’s Way
Faith, Food, and Fellowship
(lite breakfast provided)
Meet each 4th Saturday at 8:30 AM
Got Questions? Need a “Kingdom Man” book?
Contact: Bro. Aubrey or Pastor David
Kingdom Man Game Plan
(monthly sessions)
Game on! Download your copy of the Kingdom Man game plan.
- 1st Quarter – Kingdom Man kickoff. Offensive game plan from Chapters 1-3
- 2nd Quarter – Play call. Game highlights from Chapters 4-7
- 3rd Quarter – Halftime adjustments. Game highlights from Chapters 8-11
- 4th Quarter – Winning time. Game highlights from Chapters 12-15