God Hears and Answers

Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear. Isaiah 65:24

Loving parents have a keen sense to their child. Even before a child can speak, a parent is aware of what the child needs. Many loving parents have experienced the midnight cry and have been awakened from a deep sleep, hearing the slightest movement or soft whimper from their child in the night. Loving couples look at one another and discern the need or question in their dearly beloved’s heart. It is as if we are more finely tuned toward the needs and murmurs of those for whom we have great love. Our scripture passage reminds us of the deep love that God has for us. We are God’s children. We are God’s beloved. Our emotions, the questions in our hearts, the fears and anxieties that trouble us, the longings of our soul are in God’s heart even ‘before they call” or before we recognize them for ourselves. God is never too distant or too busy to listen to the disturbances of our mind and the troubles in our soul. God’s promise that “I will hear” ought to bring relief and comfort to our heart. No longer stressed to say the perfect prayer. No longer burdened to identify every mystery or every shade of discomfort. Like a child who runs to their mother with great assurance, sometimes before knowing why, we can simply bring ourselves into the presence of our loving heavenly Father and trust that God will identify the reasons behind our sobs and sighs. With maternal tenderness, heaven eases our uneasiness. Before we even know our need, God “will answer” and provide. No need to labor with worry and wonder with an anxious mind to figure it all out. Just go to our Father in heaven who hears, “while they are yet speaking” and He will answer and give you rest. He is always with you, wherever you go (Ex 33;14). Dear friend, hear Jesus say, “Come unto Me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28). Take comfort to know that our Father, hears the hurts within our soul and will fill our needs even when we are not sure what they are. Father, thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your tender mercies and the rest You provide through Your Son Jesus. You know every child and know the deepest secrets of our heart and soul. Father, I marvel at Your goodness that You answer, “before they call.” In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.