Dec '20
Humility before God
Dec '20
“And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour” Luke 1:46, 47. There is joy deep inside the servant of God that rejoices over the opportunities God gives us to serve Him. Gabriel’s visitation to Mary concerning the birth of Jesus, and the obedient spirit she had to be the willing vessel God would use, created a spirit of worship in her soul. When we realize that we are not deserving of the love God has demonstrated toward us, my friend, and when we realize we are not deserving of the gifts God has bestowed upon us, we will serve with a grateful heart. Often, worship is hindered in our churches because we think we are deserving of a response from the people. As Christians, we must be grateful that God chose to use us, and that alone will create worship within our own souls. “For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden: for, behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed” (v.48). Mary was in awe that God would take the time to use a person of “low estate” as she considered herself. Mary is demonstrating the true meaning of humility. God said that He would “resist the proud and give grace to the humble.” And, as a result of her humility, God has allowed this young lady to give birth to the Son of God. He allowed Mary to raise Jesus and mother the Son of God. Goodness, we have done nothing close to that, or at least I am speaking for myself. I want to encourage us to serve God with a spirit of humility. I want to encourage us to serve God with the understanding that we are not worthy of His attention. But because He has chosen us as the vessel to use, we are the blessed ones. It is not the people we serve that are blessed; it is the ones who God has blessed to serve. Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for every opportunity I have to serve you. Lord, I thank you that you have blessed me with the opportunities to serve in your Kingdom. And, I pray for the readers of this devotion that they will serve you in such a manner that their “souls will magnify the Lord” and their spirit will rejoice in the God of their Salvation. Be Blessed in Jesus Name! .”
Dec '20
The Mary Spirit: Submit to the Will of God
Dec '20
As we enter into the week of Christmas celebration. As believers, as the body of Christ, it is a joyous time of celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Many gifts will be bought, and many gifts will be given this week. But we celebrate the Greatest Gift anyone can receive, The Lord Jesus Christ being born of a virgin. As the angel appeared to Mary and began to explain how the Holy Ghost would come upon her, she would have a Son, and His name would be Jesus. We are thankful this morning for the angel Gabriel delivering that message to Mary. That was his task given by God, and he fulfilled that task. However, I want to bring your attention to Mary’s response to the announcement of Gabriel. “And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to they word. And the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38). Mary acknowledges herself as a servant of God, the handmaiden of the Lord. Thank you, Mary, for your willingness to listen to the instructions of God. Thank you, Mary, for being a willing vessel; God could use to bring the gift of Salvation to the whole world. I ask you this morning are you saved, and if you so, do you present yourself to God as a willing vessel. Mary was special because of her response; Mary was special when the Holy Ghost came upon her. My friend, God, is still looking for the Mary spirit to present the Son of God to the whole world. How willing are you to submit your will to God’s will and be used through this week to bless someone? Father, I pray that we will have the Mary Spirit throughout this week and allow the Holy Ghost to use us to demonstrate the Gift of God to the Whole World. Be Blessed in Jesus Name!
Dec '20
Our Faithfulness is God’s Glory
Dec '20
I would like to share some final thoughts concerning Daniel and his faithfulness to God for this week. God rewards our faithfulness to Him, but most importantly, our faithfulness brings glory to God, our faithfulness as the Children of God points those who don’t know God toward His grace and mercy. “I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before The God of Daniel: for He is the living God, and steadfast forever, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall be even unto the end” (Daniel 6:26). Daniel continued to pray to God during a time he knew the decree said he could not. I want to encourage you to continue to do what is right. It may seem that everyone is standing against you; it may seem you are the only one standing on God’s Word, but you remain faithful, stay true to where God has you in life, and God in His due time will reward you. Daniel prayed as all other times before, and God received the glory from it, “He delivereth and rescueth, and He worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who hath delivered Daniel from the power of the lions” (v.27). My friend, whatever trial you are facing, if it is the lion’s den or the fiery furnace, God has chosen you to face that trial. You may think it is too difficult, the time is too hard, or you may feel like giving up, but God has seen something in you to trust you with the trial that would bring glory to Him. Whatever we are facing, whatever life brings our way as a Christian, means God trusted you and seen the strength in you to face that battle in life, and the end result will be to your benefit and for His glory. God knows the end, in the beginning, thank God He knows the outcome and what I can handle. Gracious Lord and merciful God, I pray for my brother and sister this morning that feels like they are in the fiery furnace or facing a lion’s den. I pray they would feel your presence and have the confidence in you to press forward. Father, thank you for trusting us with the events of life that will bring glory to your name, and Lord, help us handle the situation with honor, knowing you are right here with us. I pray this in the name that is above every name, the precious name of Jesus Amen. Be Blessed in Jesus’ Name!