Dec '20
Committed to God
Dec '20
Good morning; I pray you all had a very blessed celebration of Jesus’ birthday! My thoughts are focused on the new year coming in, and I want to encourage us to press forward. Many will have the question, how can I press forward with all that has taken place in 2020? I completely understand that thought, but the Word of God will always have our answers. “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established” (Proverbs 16:3). My friend, I want to encourage us that whatever 2021 may hold, let us commit our efforts to serve God, living as bond-servants to the Lord Jesus Christ. As we focus on the work of Christ as Jesus did when He was 12 years old in the Temple, teaching, and answering questions. When His mother returned because she was worried about her Son, He told her, “I must be about my Father’s business.” As we commit our efforts and works to the Lord Jesus Christ, our thoughts will be established on Him as well. “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps” (v.9). Heavenly Father, I pray for our readers that we would commit our ways unto you, our efforts, and our works; that our thoughts may rest on the eternal work of Christ. And, as we walk into this new year, Lord, I pray we would submit to you; as you are directing our footsteps. Amen. Be Blessed in Jesus Name.
Dec '20
Your Journey in Life
Dec '20
One more day until Christmas, the VIRGIN birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. On the day before Christmas, let’s talk about the journey, the 100-mile south journey that Joseph and Mary had to take for the birth of Jesus. This journey begins to the physical eye because Caesar Augustus, “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed” (Luke 2:1). Everyone had to travel to their hometown (own city) to pay taxes. Therefore, Joseph had to load his pregnant wife on a donkey and travel 100-miles. Now, to all you women who have had children, think about that journey, and she was nearing the end of the pregnancy. I want you to imagine the journey of all the men who have traveled with a pregnant wife. Joseph and Mary’s journey did not occur because of the tax census. The travel did not occur because of Caesar Augustus. This journey was ordained by God Himself and prophesied in the Old Testament. “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting” (Micah 5:2). My friend, as we think about our journey in this life, the events of life may look like they are dictating the order of our steps. The events of life may look like they have the greatest outcome of life. But the Bible says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way (PS. 37:23). I want you to understand this morning that God is ordering our steps as His children; he is directing our path. All the events of life and the individuals who are helping shape it, rather good or bad. They are playing a part in helping us reach our destiny. During your journey, keep your eyes on Jesus, listen to the voice of God; He has a plan for you. A 100-mile journey for a woman about to give birth may have looked bad to the physical eye, but it was the plan of God. My friend, take your journey with God; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Be blessed in Jesus’ Name!
Dec '20
Obedience to God
Dec '20
My boys have started celebrating Christmas with our tradition of opening a gift a day, two more days until Christmas. Two more days until we celebrate the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please do not lose focus of the incarnation of The Son of God during this Christmas season. The incarnation of Jesus is just as important to His deity as His death, burial, resurrection, and accession to the Father. If any of those events are dismissed from the life of Jesus, you have denied the deity of Christ. With that being said, I want to thank the Lord this morning for the character of Joseph. That he was “a just man, and not willing to make her (Mary) a publick example, was minded to put her away privity” (Matt. 1:19). Joseph and Mary’s engagement was final as if they were already married; the document was as binding as a marriage license. Joseph had all rights to put her away publicly, with open shame, or he could put her away privately and spare her some immediate public shame; but Joseph was a “just man.” Joseph was one who had to endure the talk, the finger-pointing, the open shame. Either folk believed the story that Jesus was virgin-born of the Holy Ghost or called Joseph a liar. “But while he (Joseph) thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost” (v.20). I not only want to thank Joseph for being a just man, but also an obedient servant. God spoke to Joseph through an angel in a dream, and because of that, he would rather be obedient to God and continue with his plans and engagement to Mary. But understand he will endure the people’s criticism, but the joy of being used by God to bring God’s Only Begotten Son into the World was stronger than the fear of criticism. Would you help me take the time and thank God for the character of Joseph? Strong godly character in the face of criticism is not something we often find anymore. People have many avenues to spread lies; however, if you stand with God, I promise you based on His Word, He will stand with you. Father, we thank you this morning for the involvement Joseph had in supporting Mary during her Virgin birth and bringing your Son into the world that He would eventually die for our sins. I pray blessings upon our readers this morning! Be Blessed in Jesus Name!