Matters of the Heart
But I have trusted in Thy mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation. I will sing unto the LORD, because He hath dealt bountifully with me. Ps 13:5-6
There are times we want to pray, but words don’t seem to come or what we feel does come through. For those times we may say what seems appropriate and pleasing to God rather expressing the true matters of our heart. What causes that? Maybe there is a lot going on for today and our focus is on those immediate things or pressing things that surround us. There may be times when we hide away a matter and don’t want to talk about it or even think about. To do so would stir unwanted emotions like painful grief, shame, or even disappointment. For those times, turning to the word of God is just what is needed to remind us of the truth about ourselves and our loving heavenly Father. For those moments, let word of God speak for you. The scripture passage reminds us to trust, rejoice, and “sing unto the LORD.” The Psalms are a great place to start. They are full of inspiration and encouragement to express to God the hidden and inexpressible things deep within our hearts. The psalmists also struggled and wrestled with affairs much as we do. Yet we find in their writing’s words of sincerity, truthfulness, trust, and transparency to come into the presence of all-mighty God, who already knew them, who already knew all their faults, failures, hidden secrets, and understood their weakness for temptation. Too often we look at prayer as a time for checking in with God. We check in to thank Him and check off some the things that were asked of Him and then give Him our new to-do list for today. This may sound crude, but in a nutshell, we all have done that at times. But honestly, God is not offended by our check list prayers and our to-do list requests, because He loves us and patiently wants to spend time with us that we may learn to trust and enjoy time with Him and in His presence. My friend, take a moment to read through a psalm and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart. Then pray to God the words of that Psalm while praising and thanking God for His faithfulness and the spiritual work He wants to do in your heart. Let God’s word lead you into everlasting life and an everlasting relationship with your loving heavenly Father. “For He cares for you” (1 Pet 5:7). Dear friend, let Spirit of God move on your heart through the living word of God and soon you will rejoice and sing unto the Lord, “because He hath dealt bountifully with me.” Father thank You for Your love and Your bountiful goodness. Teach us open-up to You, know You, trust You, and lean on You. For Your ways are everlasting and full of mercy. I rejoice and sing unto You in the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.
Draw Near to His Presence
But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all Thy works. Ps 73:28
There are times in life when things seem to fall apart and we become so distant, disappointed, and discouraged. It is tempting to slip into negative thinking and become blinded to the good in life. For those moments, we need to be reminded of the goodness and faithfulness of God. The scripture passage reminds us that “it is good for me to draw near to God.” Sometimes we drift and drag our heals to commune with God as we should, but God is faithful to provide a breath of fresh hope and help to all who come unto Him. For when we come, we find His promise is true “Come unto Me all you who labor and heavy laden, I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28). For when we come, He is ready to receive at a moment’s notice and restore His fellowship and communion in His presence. In the parable of the prodigal son, the Father eagerly awaits the return of His son from the far country. Upon seeing His child return, He ran to him, showered him with kisses, and restored him to fellowship and communion with His presence (Lk 15:20-24). God’s goodness is more than all we could ever image or hope for. His eternal love is always present for those who can say “I have put my trust in the Lord God.” My friend, God’s presence is our good. Draw near to Him, trust in Him, and tell of His good works for “we know that all things together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom 8:28). Dear friend, nothing compares to God’s presence and the comfort of His peace, His joy, and His rest. Come to Him, draw near to His bosom side, and “you will find rest” (Mt 11:29). Rest for your weary soul. Father thank You for love and the comfort of Your presence. I thank You and praise You in the blessed and glorious Name of Jesus. Amen.
Paths of Mercy and Truth
Shew me Thy ways, O Lord; Teach me Thy paths. Ps 25:4
Much of our travels in life are spent in fairways much like highways, roadways, walkways, stairways, and even hallways. Yet there are times we must travel down the little know pathways to reach our desired destination. Quite often, we find that fairways are well prepared with guidelines and boundaries, cautions and warnings, marked with clear direction, and line of sight for things ahead. While pathways are less traveled, less cleared, unfamiliar, and not well known. The scripture passage teaches us that there are differences in God’s ways and His paths that He leads us in. God makes His ways known in His word. The word of God reveals the mighty acts of God and the principles of His Sovereignty for which we can know His ways. Scriptures declare His mighty acts in Creation. They declare His loving kindness to provide and protect His people. They declare His faithfulness to never give up nor forsake man in his rebellion. These things, God would have us to know of Him that we might trust Him, come to Him and rest in Him. “They shall not enter into My rest, because they have not known My ways” (Ps 95:11). Yet there are times that He must walk with us down a path that we may “walk through the valley of the shadow of death” (Ps 23: 4) to know His presence, know His passion, and know His purpose. The Paths of the Lord are personal. There are times when sickness or adversity may strike us down, we may become dependent on other’s care, lonely, isolated, and even shut away from Christian fellowship and ministry. My friend, it is in the unfamiliar paths that we must walk, looking only unto Him, trusting Him for every moment, calling unto Him for every ounce of strength, is where God’s saving help is found through His presence and private communications. It is in the Paths of the Lord that we must grow deeper in the relationship that He most desires for all His children. God is faithful to the soul that utterly trusts Him to “teach me Thy paths.” Dear friend, believe that He is coming along a secret pathway to bring the assurance of His mercy and grace to help in your time of need. All His paths are mercy and truth (Ps 25:10). Father thank You for Your love and Your marvelous compassion that is full of mercy and grace. Great is Your faithfulness (Lam 3:23). I praise You in the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.