Call Upon the Lord
Then shall ye call upon Me, and ye shall go and pray unto Me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the LORD. (Jer 29:12-14)
The are times when we become frustrated in life because there seems to be no answer to our call. Retail stores have a “call button” located on their aisles that patrons may call for assistance when needed. The button is pressed, but no one comes in the moment as we desired. In the fast-paced society we live in, energized by technology, filled with convenience and immediacy, we have grown accustomed to no waiting. Our scripture passage today reminds us to call on God and He will hear our call to Him. “Call upon Me…I will hearken unto you.” God awaits to hear from His children. He is ready and able to answer. His resources are endless. His power and might are greater than all and exceed all that we could ever think or image. So why does talking to God seem so difficult? Why can’t God just answer my prayer? The answer is simple. God does not share His glory with any other. His answer to your prayer will not only supply your need but strengthen your relationship with Him. He wants to reveal Himself to you that you may know Him and proclaim Him “O Lord…my God” (Ps 18:1-2). God wants your time and conversation with Him to be special and unique from all other conversations. He wants you to seek Him sincerely and come to Him according to His word. First, “go and pray.” Pull away from your affairs and set aside time completely to for God. “Enter into thy closet” (Mt 6:6) where God awaits to hear from you. Secondly, He says “seek Me…search for Me with all your heart.” Single your thoughts upon only God. Silence all the other voices that call for your attention. The single mindset is not easily accomplished at first but keep trying and trusting God. He will honor your devotion and sincere desire to “seek…and find” Him. When He answers, you will know it is He who speaks, and His answer satisfies and is sufficient for all you ask or think. My friend, God does not hide from His children. He bids us to “come boldly to the throne grace, that we may obtain mercy and grace to help in time of need” (Heb 4:16). When you come in the manner for which He has designed, you will receive God’s answer with an assurance founded upon His eternal love through His Son, Christ Jesus. Father, thank You that You know my secret place and await to hear my call and cry in times of need. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.