Bowels of Compassion

“But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? (1 John 3:17)

What a lovely passage, and what a great experience when you can see this passage in living color. I had the most incredible experience last evening, I needed help with a project, and a wonderful Christian extended his support. And he did not stop by just helping me, but he also made sure the project was completed. My friend, find another Christian in need and “open your bowels of compassion” to them. The other person may only need your company; I enjoyed the time I spent with my Christian brother, as he was helping me with a project. And as soon as the project was completed and we departed our ways, the Lord spoke this passage into my spirit. Too often, we are caught up in the race of life, and we forget to stop and help another brother/sister along the way. I pray you join with a local body of believers this Lord’s Day and share in the Worship of our GREAT God. Heavenly Father, I pray this morning for our readers that you would send someone their way whom they may extend the blessings of God to. Be Blessed in Jesus’ Name!