Blessed by His Goodness
Blessings are upon the head of the just…the memory of the just is blessed. (Prov 10:6-7)
I pray you had great worship on this past Lord’s Day in your local church! It was great to celebrate the achievement and success with our graduates this week. Their future success is yet to be determined in how well they will use their achievement to bless others or use it for personal gain. Our scripture passage today declares to us that “blessings are upon the head of the Just.” Blessings are bestowed upon the righteous like a crown. The blessing of a crown is in the weight it carries. It is a weight of responsibility that carries with it “the capacity to experience, enjoy and extend the goodness of God in your life” (Kingdom Man, p.105). The blessings of the child of God are eternal and are received in obedience to the word of God. The joy of God’s blessing in one’s life is experienced when His blessings are extended and share with others, so that they may know the goodness of God and His love for them. Blessings are not about one’s personal gain, but for God’s glory. As we grow to know God’s goodness in our life, the more meaningful and marvelous He becomes, and we share His goodness with others. God’s goodness may be shared through words of encouragement, a visit with someone who is alone or withdrawn, selfless time devoted to the interest of another, or giving to a need. How we receive God’s blessings and the manner for which they are extended to others determines success in life. Success in life is not in the number of blessings gained, but in the blessings given to others for the glory of God. My friend, how will you be remembered? By what is gained or by how well you gave? “The memory of the just is blessed.” God wants to bless you that you may share in His blessing to others. Father, thank You for all your many blessings. They are more than can ever be contained. Lead us to place where Your blessing is most needed and open our eyes and our heart to bless according to Your goodness. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.