Cast Your Cares

Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Life is precious and we spend a good amount of thought of how to care for it. Each day is filled with mindful thoughts of health, wellness, success, pleasure, ambition, and the list continue to grow with each day’s new experiences. Thoughts of the new day experiences can be exciting with anticipation or overwhelming with concern. As you may have discovered, becoming a Christian does not make your problems go away. Our scripture passage today instructs us to live out the day “casting all your cares upon Him.” The idea of “casting” has in it that of a fisherman who cast his net upon the water. The net is cast out with expectation of gaining a return to satisfy a need. Peter learned from his experiences to trust in the Lord for all he needed. On multiple occasions, Peter cast his net upon the water as Christ had instructed and saw Christ provide more and beyond what he could think or image. He had walked with Christ and saw His divine power through the miracles. He beheld the risen Christ and experienced the love that Jesus had those who followed Him. Peter not only knew he could cast his nets upon the water, but he could launch himself without any concern upon the water and Christ would care for him (Mt 14:28-29). It is with great confidence Peter encourages the young believers to trust in Christ. Though this instruction is simple, it is oftentimes difficult to put into practice. Casting our cares is a choice. It means consciously handing over concerns and troubles to Christ and allowing Him to carry the weight of our problems. There is no distinction. He wants them all. The little ones and the big ones “for He careth for you.” You have an Advocate with the Father for whom you may carry every concern. My friend, our Lord cares more for you than you could ever image. He has plans for you, to prosper you, that are greater than all your expectations. Begin this day free of all your weight and burdens by “casting all your cares upon Him.” Father, thank You for Your care, compassion and love through Your Son, Jesus. I know You care for me. Help me to trust You more as You stand ready to carry my cares. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.