The Sweeter Fruit

Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for His body’s sake, which is the church. (Col 1:22)

Have you enjoyed any fresh produce from a garden lately? Longer days and warm sunshine have caused garden plants to produce and ripen some early fruit. Some of the early fruit that is being enjoyed are the fresh strawberries from local farms. These ripen berries are pulled, prepared, and enjoyed for consumer’s delight. While the consumer finds delight in the fresh, ripened fruit, yet the berry must suffer and be crushed to produce the sweetness that is contained within. Our scripture passage today reminds us that suffering in Christ is for the benefit of others, mainly the church. Paul writes to the young church at Colossae to encourage them his difficult circumstances is fruit for the furtherance of the gospel. He wanted them to know that he gave his all for Christ, even if it meant to suffer for Him. Paul realized that the fruit produced in his life was not his, but for others to know Christ. He understood that the time a child of God spends with the Father, delighting in His word, growing in the faith, being strengthen with all sufficiency in Christ, is to produce a harvest that will benefit others and glorify the Father. As a child of God, you are a branch eternally grafted into the Vine of Jesus Christ. Nothing can separate you from Him (Rom 8:39). Sealed with the eternal Guarantee of the Holy Spirit until the day of Jesus Christ (2 Cor 1:22). The branch, once grafted into the Vine, is nurtured to grow, mature, and produce the fruit of the Vine. The branch does not bear fruit for itself, but for the harvest that others may enjoy the sweetness of its fruit. The sweetness of the fruit is produced by warn days in the sun, nurture by the abundant flow of water. It bears the attraction and sweetness of the life that flows from the Vine through the branch. My friend, have you known the warmth of the Father’s love? His radiance through the light of His word? The abundant flow of life through the indwelling Holy Spirit? Then suffer yourself to bear His fruit that is sweet and can be enjoyed by those who are perishing. Bear fruit that others may “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps 34:8). My friend, spend time before Father, delight yourself in the light of His word, that you may come to know and proclaim with the Apostle Paul “now rejoice in my suffering for you…for His body’s sake, which is the church.” Father, thank You for the life-giving flow that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. May He bear the sweet, sweet Spirit of Your love, for others to enjoy. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.