Worthy is the Lord

I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised (Ps 18:3)
Worship the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised. In Psalms 18, the Psalmist expresses his praise to the Lord and the priority he gives to praise the Lord. He begins his praise to the Lord by recalling, recognizing, and recounting to himself the goodness and faithfulness the Lord shown to him in previous life experiences. He establishes within himself to make the Lord his priority and set aside time above all other circumstance in his life to give praise to the Lord. “The Lord…is worthy to be praised.” It is a matter of his will to give praise unto the Lord. It is not an afterthought or something that he would like to do, but a matter of priority. He wills himself to look above and beyond his present circumstance and offer praise unto the Lord. “The Lord…is worthy to be praised.” He presses himself beyond his circumstances and 3 times, in the first 3 verses, he says “I will.” He presses himself to not allow the natural “cares of the world” that come along each day to crowd and choke out time and praise unto the Lord. My friend, the cares of life are constantly before us. Daily events and circumstances can so easily consume us and become the most important thing in that moment. For this reason, we must set aside time to know the Lord. Spend time in His word. Meditate and discover who He really is – wonderful, holy merciful, wise, almighty, and most gracious Lord. Come know Him, exalt Him for who He is, worship Him, for He is “worthy to be praised.” Today, when you are pressed or just passing through the moments, recall to your mind, He is “worthy to be praised.” Join with me in this song of praise and be encouraged in your worship to the Lord. https://youtu.be/Ak5WTb-mgeA?t=3
Father, thank You for Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the forgiveness of sin, salvation to all who believe, and eternal life for all who receive Him as Savior. Father, I exalt You with my brothers and sister in Christ, because You are “worthy to be praised.” In the blessed and holy Name of Jesus. Amen.