No Place Like Home

“And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger” (Luke 15:17).

I often wonder about this young man as he asked his father for his inheritance went off “into a far country” and lived and acted in whatever manner he chose. My friend God will extend us the same grace if we CHOOSE not to live as His child, and many times we act in the same manner as Christians. However, I love the statement in this passage “he came to himself.” This young man had his own ideas, own way of thinking, desires, and his father extended the rope. This young man thought the grass was greener on the other side; however, “and he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him” (v.16). This young man started thinking about his father’s house, about his father’s love, about his father’s directions, about his father’s instructions, and he knew he had made the wrong decision. Sometimes we do not know we are thinking wrong, acting wrong, or making a wrong decision until God allows us to find ourselves in a place we do not desire to be. “And he arose and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him” (v.20). Father, we thank you this morning for your grace and mercy! That when we think we know better, you allow us to discover that there is no place like home. We pray this morning for that one person searching for something; I pray they are filled with the Holy Spirit of God, and He will satisfy their soul. Be Blessed in Jesus’ Name!